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    Mr. Ariel Shoham

    Smart Sparrow

    Learn how to save a life using a defibrillator. A virtual simulation of the physical apparatus that allows health professionals to familiarize themselves with the proper activation and use of the defibrillator for treating cardiac arrests.

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    Dr. Louise Lutze-Mann

    School of Biotechnology and Biomolecular Sciences, UNSW

    A virtual laboratory, designed to replace a real wet lab experiment of measuring oxygen consumption by isolated mitochondria and so investigating how ATP is generated via the electron transport chain.

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    Mrs. Ruth Miller

    Museum of Human Disease, UNSW

    This exercise is designed for year 12 Biology students asked to demonstrate the understanding of Mendelian genetics by applying blood typing concepts for the purposes of proving Derek’s father identity.

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    Dr. Patsie Polly

    School of Medical Sciences, UNSW

    This Virtual Lab is based on a real Western Blotting wet lab and teaches basic lab skills as well as specific aspects of lab practices required for the lab setup and the analysis of protein expression as demonstrated.

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    Mrs. Ruth Miller

    Museum of Human Disease, UNSW

    This exercise is for High School students in Years 8 to 11. In a virtual laboratory, students use an oxygen electrode, reactants and pipettes to change variables such as light, quantity of leaves and amount of carbon dioxide to observe the effect of these changes on the rate of photosynthesis.