Betty Graham
Betty Graham 75 year old female (65kg), fell at home while doing gardening. It was a hot day and Betty was coming back into the house for something to drink. Betty stumbled up the stairs (4) and fell on the side of her body onto the cement steps. The fall happened at approximately 3.00pm and her son (Brian) found Betty when he came home from work at 5.00pm.
Brian immediately called 000 for an ambulance.
Paramedics found Betty at the bottom of a flight of 4 stairs lying on her left side
Ms Michelle Kelly
A/Prof. Nicodemus Tedla
A/Prof. Beata Bajorek
Dr. Danni Cheng
Dr. Lincoln Gomes
This case is brought to you by the InCH project
Inter Disciplinary Collaboration in Healthcare introducing an innovative next generation case based teaching framework for PBL and interdisciplinary case authoring
The InCH project is funded by HWA’s Simulated Learning Environments (SLEs) program.