Jack Brown
Jack Brown is a 61 farmer who develops cardiovascular disease.
We are first exposed to Jack through his GP consultations, where he presents with fatigue and a history of hypertension. As his condition continues to deteriorate we view the assessments, investigation, treatment and management that are delivered though the medical and nursing professions. As Jack requires medications, we are able to view his pharmacological interventions through the eyes of the pharmacist.
The intention of this lesson is to provide a students with revision of CVD though the journey of a patient, whilst gaining insight and awareness of the role of some of the other professions that would be involved in his care.
Senior Lecturer
School of Medicine and Public Health
Faculty of Health and Medicine
This case is brought to you by the InCH project
Inter Disciplinary Collaboration in Healthcare introducing an innovative next generation case based teaching framework for PBL and interdisciplinary case authoring
The InCH project is funded by HWA’s Simulated Learning Environments (SLEs) program.